
I am a social scientist in sustainability, working from the angle of agriculture, climate, and development. My overarching research goal is to better articulate policies and research in sustainable agriculture with the farm level's local needs, resources, and opportunities. For that purpose, my research focuses on understanding and generating innovations in three areas: 1) sustainable value chains and production systems 2) a better understanding of farmers' preferences, behavior, and opportunities and 3) promoting interdisciplinary collaborations that effectively connect academia and research to the world at large. This research includes a variety of specific subjects, such as the impact assessment of smallholder coffee farmers' participation in alternative business models and the understanding of sustainable land management practices in coffee landscapes that conserve forest and birds. In addition,  the provision of climate services and the generation of original field data using digital tools, crowdsourcing, and gamification. Finally, the promotion of practical career development ideas to facilitate interdisciplinarity and holistic approaches in academia. 

Through my experience, I have developed the appropriate leadership and analytical skills to design and establish customized strategies that support biodiversity conservation, market access to producers, and climate-smart agriculture. Additionally, my experience leading multidisciplinary groups involving academia, non-governmental organizations, and private businesses, has allowed me to appreciate and integrate the objectives of diverse stakeholders. Moreover, my graduate education, my experience at the Colombian Central Bank and my active involvement into policy dialogue networks such as Columbia World Projects, and Land Grant Universities Consortium for post-conflict in Colombia, have enhanced my ability to translate complex economic models into practical policies and intervention to foster rural development.

Current Projects
Past major research projects